When I reflect on this passed year, one of the only regrets I had was that I didn’t pray as often as I should have. Life was incredibly busy and moving so fast with all the wedding festivities and moving into another house. It’s like 2024 started, I blinked, and then all of a sudden it was 2025. I want to pray more. I want to write down every request and wait expectantly for the Lord to perform it in His divine way.
I started to think about ways to help cultivate that prayer life and a thought came to mind. I have to prepare a place for the Lord and I to meet each day! Think about it, you can’t make dinner when all of your dishes are dirty. You can’t go to sleep at night when there is a pile of clean clothes laying on it. That is how I feel about our prayer time. We have to make ourselves ready and prepare a place or a spot in our homes to meet with God.
I walked around my house one day and noticed that I don’t have a big walk in closet that I can crawl in to post my prayers on the wall and go before the Lord. But I do have an extra room that just housed all of Joshua and I’s miscellaneous things. I cleared it out, one tote at a time, and before I knew it, I had a perfect spot ready to use as my prayer corner. I went on amazon and spent about less than $50 grabbing a few essentials.
- First, I wanted some type of bulletin board. Something small since my space isn’t large. I want to post my prayers and bible verses to reference while I am praying. The goal is to not have to use my phone at all to look up verse. The goal is to have them prepared each week and to memorize to pray the scriptures. This particular board also came with an extra wire and clips so that I could clip pictures or decor to the bottom of the bulletin.
- Next, I wanted to be able to add purposeful decoration, so I bought bible verse cards/stickers to add to the board! These aren’t essential but a great way to add color to your board. Amazon has so many types, colors, and themes and it was just an inexpensive way to add decor to your board.
- Lastly, I grabbed a cheap but very cute side table off Amazon. It is simple and does exactly what it needs, hold my bible and my prayer journal. At some point I want to put a nice little plant here as well to add color but for now this is perfect!
- Lastly, I have my bible and journal ready to go! I use the “She Speaks Truth” bible and I have a journal that was given to me by a loved one for my wedding. You can grab any journal that pops out at you at Target, Walmart, Meijer, The Dollar store, or wherever you can get your hands on one! My journal isn’t fancy at all. Just lots of pages wrapped up in a spiral with wide ruled lines.

Tips: If you are creating a corner, make sure you have blankets laid, a bean bag, or a chair to sit on to be comfortable while you pray. Before I made space for a prayer corner, I kept my bible and journals in the corner of the couch! This was where I met the Lord each morning. Whatever is best for you, do that! My cozy corner has an outlet so I plan to leave my blanket folded on my chair ready for me to use on the cold, early mornings.
Wondering how I got the cute prayer cut outs? I went online on Canva and grabbed some pre-made designs and added my own wording! So easy to customize and print out! I grabbed some supplies from my office-colored paper, sharpies, highlighters, etc. I grabbed scissors and went to town! This is your chance to be as creative as you’d like.

Joshua and I got married 7 months ago and we used twinkle lights all over the reception hall. We have TONS left and so I used the twinkle lights on my board as well. I just twirled the wire around the hanging wire on the bulletin and now once I go into my prayer room I don’t have to turn on a bright light, I can turn on my twinkle lights!
I can’t wait to update you on how my Prayer Corner is working for me!!
Amazon Prayer Room Essentials