For most of my teenage years and 20’s I struggled with a lot of really hard things. Some that people may have known about and some that I kept in a very dark place where no one could see. I lived a bit of a double life. I lead worship on Sunday’s and danced hand in hand with sin during the week. No, I wasn’t heavy drinking, getting intimate with boyfriends, or trying drugs. (If this is your testimony or reality,know that GOD LOVES YOU) But sis, I had idols and an addiction that crippled me.
I didn’t have accountability nor was I ready to let go.
I choose my desires over prioritizing my relationship with God.
I exchanged the power of the Gospel for what I thought was the truth.
Love for lust.
Wisdom for foolishness.
Godly intimacy for pornography.
Chaos for peace.
You see where I’m getting at?
I was a bit of a mess, BUT GOD!
Can you relate?
What part of your relationship with God are you handing over in order to feed your wants and desires?
Yes, this is a hard topic and trust me, I am typing this with SO MUCH LOVE.
There is hope for the one who has been handing over Jesus for the world.
Just keep reading.
In Romans 1, Paul writes a letter to the church in Rome and warns them about the wrath that comes upon those who suppress the Truth that is God. In exchange they chose to worship images resembling mortal men, birds, animals, and creeping things.
"Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things.”
Romans 1:22-23
They exchanged the Truth for a lie.
The interesting thing is Paul was warning Christians of falling into this same idolatry. That is what gets me. We think this letter is only appropriate for people in the world but in reality, when I was struggling with this very thing, I considered myself a Christian. And yet, there were lots of things I put before God. We can fall into this trap if we aren’t careful. If we jump into the pool of futile thinking.
"For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened."
Romans 1:21
Have you ever gone a long time without examining your heart? I know I have. What was your behavior? How did you speak? Were you wise or foolish? Were you considering God? Or were you doing life on your own?
You may wonder, how do I keep from falling in this trap?
A full heart change. Repentance means to literally pivot in another direction. This is how we stop from going down the path of futile thinking and worshipping other gods. We have to accept the salvation that has been freely given to us.
It can be done. I find myself asking God that I’d become more aware of Him. More aware of His spirit and of His presence! More aware of the life or death that leaves my tongue. More aware of my thoughts and the intentions of my human heart.
Take a deep breathe and then take a moment to reflect on where you are right now.
Can I pray for you?
Dear God,
I thank you for my sweet friend today. You are our heavenly Father who desperately wants a relationship with us. I pray that the one reading will make some time to examine their heart this week. I pray that they will grow to love you more than this world. That the exchange wouldn’t be Truth for lies but death for everlasting LIFE with you Jesus. I pray that my friend will accept the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ. This world gives us false hope but I pray that the one reading would know that you are our LIVING hope! May she repent and turn her heart towards you. May she find fulfillment in YOU. Not needing or worshiping idols who can’t see or hear. I pray that you would set a fire deep down in her soul. That she would be hungry for you. That she would only be satisfied by YOU Lord. May she have the desire to be set apart in this world full of counterfeits and confused identity. May you be high and lifted up and seated on the throne in her life again. For my friend who hasn’t experienced you in this way, I pray that you would manifest yourself in such a mighty way. May you reveal yourself to the point where there is no other choice but to serve you with all her heart, mind, soul, and strength. God we thank you for the changed hearts and the holy conviction that these scriptures bring. Thank you Jesus. WE WANT MORE OF YOU AND LESS OF THIS SINFUL WORLD.
In Jesus Name