At church a couple weeks ago, there was something that was said that has stuck with me even a few days later. Pastor Stephan said that this is a time to STILL BE SET APART. That shook me. It was such a simple revelation but I could not help but think of the world right now. Christians and unbelievers. It is getting harder and harder to see the distinction between those who are in Christ and those who aren’t. God is calling us to Himself. To look like HIM and not this world.
Holiness is STILL right!
As I sat at work thinking about what to write, a particular story came to mind. As I was reading I was filled with so much revelation. Being set apart isn’t about avoidance of all things worldly or stiving for perfection in Christ.
The thing that distinguishes us from the world is the PRESSENCE of God.
How do I know this? The key is found in Exodus 33.
Take a moment to read Exodus 33 NIV.
The Lord told Moses that it is time for them to move forward into the land flowing with milk and honey. There was one thing the Lord said that made the Israelites begin to mourn. The Lord said,
“I will send an angel before you and drive out the Canaanites, Amorites, Hittites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites. Go up to the land flowing with milk and honey. BUT I will NOT go with you, because you are a stiff-necked people and I might destroy you on the way.”
~Exodus 33:2-3
When His presence is gone, what sets us apart?
Think about it.
Thing one thing that separates us from the world is that we HAVE HIS PRESENCE.
The presence that guides us.
The presence that goes before us and behind us.
The presence that drives out the need to be seen.
The presence that keeps us close to the Father.
The presence that helps us make sound decisions.
The presence that reminds us that we are HIS and not this worlds’.
The presence that comforts us.
This is what we have that the world doesn’t, HIS PRESENCE.
No wonder why Moses pleaded with the Lord! He asked God, “How can I lead these people, if you don’t go with us, and haven’t I found favor in your sight?” God was claiming to no longer go before them because of their carnal way of thinking and and their heart posture. But Moses begged the Lord to not be released from His presence. God was moved by Moses’ heart so He replied,
"My presence will go with you..."
~Exodus 33:14
The next verse is the key!
"If your presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here. How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us? What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?" ~Exodus 33:15-16
When the presence of God is on you, His name is on you! That is what it means to be set apart.
Why is the world hurting?
It is because God is nowhere to be found! His presence ministers to us, directs us, comforts us, and encourages us! It is time to begin to pray like Moses, that God would not remove himself from us but that He would go before us again. We need to pray that God would encounter people in the world to show them a better way. His way, His presence.
Moses said he didn’t want go anywhere without the presence of God. When was the last time we felt that in our lives? I don’t want to be anywhere that God is not. There is no where I’d want to go if it meant that His presence can’t go with me.
It is time for a check in.
Has God been going before you? Or haven you veered off from the path so much that we have entered a realm where His presence has been removed? Do you look like the world? Heeding to your own will and desires, failing to acknowledge God? Or are you yearning for the presence of God to be your compass. Not taking one step if He isn’t there, being fully dependent on HIM.
Are you, we, set apart or trying so hard to fit in?
I pray that you would meditate on this word this week. If you are conflicted remember that God is full of grace and mercy. Ask Him to help you get back on track. When you are full of His presence, you have no desire to be apart of this world. Is it easy? I wouldn’t say that BUT His strength becomes yours when you are weak!
"But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me."
2 Corinthians 12:9
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