Y’all, let’s get real.
Do you know that feeling you get when you know you’re avoiding a friend? You know you should text them back or give them a call but you just aren’t feeling like you can? Nothing is wrong, and you haven’t fallen out, it’s just that there’s a lot going on in your world and you may have just shut down a little.
That’s how my relationship felt with God last week.
Nothing crazy happened, I just feel like I was avoiding my quiet time with Him simply because of how overwhelmed I felt from all the THINGS. I had Monday off since it was MLK day and then I had 2 snow days following. You’d think I would’ve had all the time in the world but no, I took it upon myself to fill my days up to the brim with activities and blog revisions. I wish I hadn’t.
On Wednesday morning Michigan was in a deep freeze and one of our pipes froze partially. I was home alone since Joshua still had to work. I was in the kitchen after he left for work when I decided to do the dishes that were piled up a half of a mile high. I noticed the water wasn’t able to go down the drain and when I hit the garbage disposal I heard an alarming splash behind me! Like the kind of splash you hear at a splash pad when the bucket is full and ready to tip over on all the eager toddlers. I turned around and there was a huge puddle of dish water on the ground. YUCK!
I thought to myself how I wished my husband was home!
I cleaned up the mess, went into my bedroom, and shut the door. I was avoiding it. I wanted nothing to do with the kitchen at all. I was on overload. Nothing dire but I felt the week just had 1 domino that ruined it for the rest. For the sake of being transparent, I didn’t run to God, I was avoiding Him out of feeling completely in over my head. Maybe that makes no sense at all, but have you ever felt this before?
It’s a new week and I’ve been missing our quiet times like crazy, and sometimes I feel that in order to reconnect with Him, I have to have all the perfectly poetic words or have the most peaceful environment to meet with Him. The truth of the matter is that none of this is required. I can simply come back and pick up where I left off. Just like a friend who I haven’t seen in awhile.
Matthew 11:28-30 says,
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Friend, this is such great news!
The verse says, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened…”
All you have it all together? All you have everything figured out?
All you who are struggling, broken hearted, weary, and restless. He tells those to draw near to Him because He will give them rest!
In the busyness of the mundane, press in! Don’t retreat, RUN straight to Him. When we run away from the truth of His word it becomes hard to keep scripture written on our hearts. We forget the Truth when it isn’t engrained on the inside of us!
The beautiful part is that even when we aren’t seeking, He’s still there and wants to hear from us. He wants to catch up just like a friend would. Yes, I know, He’s God, so He already knows what’s going on, but there is something that happens when you speak and confess what has been troubling you. We come back into beautiful and Holy communion with the Lord. This is the place where we release our burdens in exchange for His yoke which is easy and light!
We think if we come to God we will get reprimanded but in reality we get FILLED.
And so I put myself out there to say, like me, you may have been feeling a little far from God. If you don’t take away anything else, know that He has never left you!
The bible says,
“He is close to the brokenhearted” (Psalm 34:18)
“He has never left or forsaken you” (Hebrews 13:5)
“He is with you even until the end of the world” (Hebrews 28:20)
He’s close and loves you just as much as He did when you felt the most connected to Him. So, come back to Him. Like a friend, He’s there and He’s waiting.