Verse of the Week:
James 1:25 CSV
Focus for the week:
This morning I was in James 1, and I was encouraged! Especially by verse 25 that says, “But the one who looks intently into the perfect law of freedom and perseveres in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer who works-this person will be blessed in what he does.”
What does this mean? It means that we are to take a look at the law of freedom, meaning the way the Lord intended for us to live, and correct things that don’t look like what He requires. We can’t read the living, breathing scriptures or hear the proclamation of the word of the Lord from preachers, nod our heads, and not make a heart change. The Lord desires us to hear His word and make the necessary adjustments to look and be more like Him. If I use my words to harm people, I should be able to read Ephesians 4:19 that says I should only use speech that builds up others and start controlling my tongue! That is being a hearer and also a doer!
"Do not let unwholesome [foul, profane, worthless, vulgar] words ever come out of your mouth, but only such speech as is good for building up others, according to the need and the occasion, so that it will be a blessing to those who hear [you speak]."
-Ephesians 4:29
Often I pray, “God, whatever is not like you, strip that away. Make me more like you.” How does this happen? By persevering like James 1 says. Being a hearer and a doer requires action, we can’t be passive.
To persevere, like this verse says, means to continuously study the word of God AND apply it! Even when it is hard, that is still what the Lord requires. We are to continuously put our lives in refining fire to be purified. It isn’t comfortable but it is essential to our walk with the Lord.
Change feels unnatural sometimes especially if the goal is to be separate from a world that tries its best time suck us in. God knows and understands this so much so that He promises to bless you in all you do. You want the Lord to bless everything you touch, be a lover and doer of His word! That is great news and it allows us to be free! His standards don’t keep us in a fence to hold us hostage. NO!
It gives us liberty from our sinful nature! This is why it is not enough to just hear the word. It’ll make you feel great but if you don’t make a life change you are deceived! The word of the Lord shakes off those chains and makes us free! We can’t declare that we love the Lord and do the opposite of what He is asking!
That is the cost of walking with the Lord! But we gain so much more! SALVATION!
If you love someone, you won’t just listen to what they ask of you, but you will take it a step further and do something about it. We ought to love the Lord with all of our heart and hate the things that He hates.
"And Jesus replied to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and all your soul, and with all of your mind."
-Matthew 22:37
We have to love Him more than our own desires. So, if that means I put down the alcohol because the bible calls me to not get drunk on wine (Ephesians 5:18), then so be it! We need to love the Lord more than bottles, gossip, our lying tongue, our sin in general! We change our hearts because we love Him.
Look out for this week’s posts!!
Church Notes
“God of my Season”
On Sunday, our pastor preached a timely word! It was all about seasons! No matter what season you are in, God is still LORD over it! Saturate yourself with His presence and stand on His word because it is only temporary! There IS joy that follows weeping. He is the God who takes us by the right hand and helps us!

“Dear God,” Diaries
“The Narrow Way”
What a sobering word. The narrow way is the only way to an eternity with the Father. It is hard and unpopular but Jesus has already gone before us. We can endure and we have the ability to persevere. He is coming back for a remanent. A people who look like Him. Stay on the path that leads to eternal salvation. I pray that this word would encourage you!
A few of my favorite things
“Celebration Confetti Cookies“
After church on Sunday, Joshua and I were craving a sweet treat! We wanted cookies and the Crumbl that was close to us was closed! Ugh! Of course, I thought why don’t we just make our own. And friends, I found the perfect copycat Crumbl recipe and it was just marvelous! It also helps that my birthday is this weekend so it was felt so fun and celebratory with all the sweetness and colorful sprinkles!
I can’t wait to share it with you!